Tuesday, 31 August 2010

For a Good Cause

Adam Johnson, the man behind the amazing KFC film series, is currently touring across America with some of the best rollerbladers in the world on a massive filming project. He has Alex Broskow, Chris Haffey, John Bolino and many more amazing athletes all cramped into a van as they travel from state to state gathering clips.

Obviously, such a project is not cheap and Adam's independent mission is already running out of money. He has come up with the ingenious idea of offering fans of his films the chance to donate towards the project or pre-order copies of the DVD so that they may continue to travel and gather footage.

I think this is an excellent idea as Adam has always made great films, so you are pretty much guaranteed that you are doing your part to help create something brilliant. For that Adam, you get £10 of my hard earned cash.

If you would like to donate, go HERE.

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