Thursday 4 March 2010


In the not too distant past I wrote a feature about the Agents of Change, a graffiti collective that came up with the incredible idea to tranform an abandoned UK village into a large scale work of art by decorating the derelict buildings with an assortment of beautiful, colourful designs.

Well, I stumbled upon this promo for their latest show in London and for some strange reason they have decided to quote me!

"This truly is one of the most original art projects you are likely to see."
- David McNamara. Huck Magazine.

This made me laugh like hell. Firstly, because I am no authority on street art at all. Also, it's not as if anyone is going to read that and think: "Oh, look! David McNamara said it was good, so it must be amazing. We better check that out!"

I must admit, it was pretty cool seeing my name used in that context.

Usually it is hastily written in the men's toilets alongside the words "... is a prick."

Check out the latest Agents of Change project HERE.

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