C. J. Wellsmore has been around for a bloody long time and there has always been a lot of hype surrounding his name because he is widely considered part of the new wave of Australian skaters to take over from the greats such as Tim Ward, Tom Fry and Josh Clarke. Along with Rian Arnold, this guy has been praised for helping take skating to a whole new level. However, there have never been any lengthy video sections to back all the stories, until now.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Cooly G ahead of her appearance at Ballers Social Club last week thanks to founder Joe Coghill. She is a sexy lady and has some skills on the decks but dear lord is the woman tight lipped. I must have interviewed her for over an hour and I couldn't even get her real name out of her. Talk about protective!
I had never heard of the Balky Mule before I interviewed him for The Skinny and I wasn't completely sold on his album. It is quite charming acoustic pop with little dashes of electronic samples but it just isn't my kind of thing. However, when I interviewed him I was pleasantly surprised by his interesting personality. The guy has a very amusing sense of humour and has quite an arsenal of interesting stories at his disposal.
Interviewing Brett Dasovic made me realise why I fell in love with rollerblading all those years ago. He is one of the biggest skate geeks I have ever encountered. When we were passing questions back and forth for the article he kept dropping little bits of skate trivia into the conversation. "Did you know that Derek and Mike French once lived about five minutes away from my house but I never skated with them?" Priceless.
I love it when people geek out about skating as much as I do because it is people like that who are going to keep our sport going. People with passion who care about what we have created so much that they will do anything to keep it alive.
Our sport needs more people like Brett
Here is one of Brett's nice sections for your viewing pleasure.
I am currently living in London and working for The Stool Pigeon. I write for The Skinny, The List, Huck, Amelia's Magazine, Kingdom Magazine and Be-mag.