Monday, 27 October 2008
Time to get faded once again!
Halloween is coming!
Every Halloween I tell myself, "I am gonna carve a pumpkin!" I just realised I am 25 years old and I have still not got round to doing it. So, this weekend, I got myself armed with a carving knife and a pumpkin carving kit and set to work. I didn't realised it would take over 45 minutes just to scrape all of the crap from inside the damn thing. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that it would take over an hour and a half to create the face. I would love to say it was worth the effort but LOOK AT IT!!! It's not exactly a work of art. Oh well, there's always next year...
Monday, 6 October 2008
Dan Leifeld isn't impressed...
A little misinformed slice of your Say Word 3 attempt. Are you so overzealous with your new Be-mag publishing privilege that you regard it as your duty to send out attacks within our small industry? I'm sure things look different in Glasglow, but here in Saint Louis it just looks like post grom jealousy. A failure to amount to something substantial by a certain age, built up angst, and feeding into a personal vent. There is a difference between blogs, and Be-mag. And your Say Word 3 review didn't say a lot about the video, but it said worlds about you.
I always find it really funny when people get angry and decide to contact me personally just to say so. Don't they realised that by getting in touch they are simply flattering me by showing that something I have written has had an effect? It doesn't matter if its positive or negative. It worked. It provoked a reaction and made someone take action. Mr. Leifeld, I'm sorry if you dont like me or my views. Actually, I'm not. I don't care... but clearly you do.
Ps. It's spelled Glasgow. I've never been to "Glasglow."
Sunday, 5 October 2008
Say Word 3 Review
Check out the Say Word 3 review on Be-mag ( and buy this video!
DVD Review: Say Word 3
The people making skate videos these days need to seriously re-think their strategy. In recent years I have found that many videos tend to imitate their predecessors to the point where it appears as though you are simply viewing parodies of earlier creations. For years I have watched as many ‘filmmakers’ simply regurgitate Dave Paine’s Videogroove format and pass it off as their own. If they are not imitating Videogroove, they take a leaf out of Joe Navran’s recipe book to blend party footage into skating montages. And if all else fails, they fall back on the old favourite, the team video.
Thankfully, Say Word 3 does not fall into any of the afore-mentioned categories. The third instalment to Kenny Owens’ Say Word series is an endearing video to watch for many reasons. One if which is that it pays homage to the skate videos that came before it but does not go so far as to blatantly rip them off. For instance, there are snippets of martial arts films blended into some of the montages, which was pleasantly reminiscent of Hoax 4.
If you are a fan of good, clean editing to an interesting selection of hip hop, jazz and left field gems then this is the film with you. I was particularly impressed with The Mouldy Peaches These Burgers and Lil Wayne’s Phone Home. Kenny doesn’t waste time with intricate graphic animations to make his footage look better than it is because he doesn’t have to. The filming throughout the video maintains a high standard and showcases the tricks in their finest form.
This video is not revolutionary. However, it does contain an amazing amount of rarely seen spots across
Nowadays it seems as though any kid with a digital camera thinks he is the next greatest action sports cinematographer and it is almost embarrassing to witness some of the new videos that are somehow manage to get distributed throughout our industry. This video sticks to some very simple rules: Clean editing to an absorbing soundtrack with some obscure footage thrown in for effect. Kenny Owens, well done, you have grasped the obvious concept of a skate video. You make skating look incredible.
Say Word 3 is almost an hour long, features over an hour of bonus footage and the entire Say Word 2. Three hours of skating in one film? That’s value for money.
If you have any sense, buy this film direct from Kenny Owens at: