Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Rob G: Still Got It

Rob Guerrero has been representing rollerblading in its finest form for over a decade and he still maintains an elegant style combined with creative, technical tricks. He was recently in Europe filming for the Rollerblade Solo Collective online video series and below is the finished edit.

Let's hope Rob keeps going strong. We need more people like him promoting our sport.

Rob G in Europe from Solo Collective on Vimeo.

Toddla T Y'all

A few weeks ago I interviewed Sheffield born electronic artist Toddla T as he is currently travelling the country to perform at the Rizla Stage at various festivals including Rockness and Lovebox.

Toddla was a lively, pleasant character with alot to say about the music he loves and the scene he came up in.

You can check out the interview in the latest print edition of The Skinny or you can simply read it HERE.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Rant: Passports

I am currently back in Glasgow visiting the mrs and getting my passport renewed. I went to the post office yesterday as they have a service where they help you complete your passport application to ensure it doesn't get delayed/ rejected. I arranged my appointment for today, filled out the application last night and got my new passport photos taken.

I get up early this morning for my appointment with all of my necessary documents and get the underground into town. Upon arriving at the desk, the assistant takes one look at my old passport, one look at my new photograph and says, "Oh, this doesn't look anything like your old photo."

Well, funny that, considering the last photo was taken over a decade ago when I had a full head of hair was yet to embrace the full extent of puberty. If I did look the same, that would be pretty weird!

The assistant then informed me that I will have to get someone to countersign my passport and photographs to verify that it is actually me. Then, she has the cheek to charge me £8 for the service.

What service?!?!? You basically told me I have done it wrong and must book another appointment. I fail to see how that is particularly helpful! Surely I could have been told WHEN I BOOKED MY APPOINTMENT that I would need someone to countersign my passport application (even though in the guide book it states that you only need a countersignature if you are under 16 or it is your first passport).

Nothing is ever simple.