CTV - In For The Kill Tour day 6 & 7 from ConferenceTV on Vimeo.
Billy O'Neil got hit by a car last year while skating in Spain. He hasn't been back on skates long but dear lord he is killing it. Here is some new footage of Billy back in Spain to prove that Barcelona will not defeat him twice. Jeff Dalnas came along for the ride and murdered some deadly drop rails. They are currently at the Chaz Invite in Liverpool and making their presence known.
Billy has picked up the unfortunate habit of referring to all women as "sluts". I think he may have picked this up from one of his English counterparts. We went out last night and Billy chatted up pretty much anything in a skirt and excitedly talked about how much easier it is to pull women in the UK compared to back home in New York. Billy is the kind of character you really need to meet to fully understand the sheer extend of his charisma and MAMMOTH personality.
I think the after party is going to be messy tonight...